Sunday, October 16, 2005

So I Did It...

Well, this weekend I actually did what I had been thinking about...I got my nose pierced. Saturday night Katie (my roommie) and I went down to Body Piercing by Bink who I had been researching. A few minutes later and it was done.

It didn't really hurt at all. Getting the cartilage on my upper ear pierced hurt much worse. It's just there now, no pain. I opted for the titanium ball for now and in three weeks will head back to get the smaller CZ. It will be just a glimmer on my nose. :)

Always wanted to do it and the only time I could think of being able to do it next was after I was retired. I don't think that would look good, so no time like the present! Giddy up!

In other news, I'm studying for my two midterms on Monday. The semester is in high gear and this week will be another busy one. It's good to be busy since it makes my time here seem worthwhile. I just keep looking forward to my next trip out to see John- only 30 more days!

It's been hard to keep up with people on the phone with my busy schedule. If I've missed you lately, sorry! I think about everyone often though! Hope you are having a wonderful day! Miss you!


Anonymous said...

AHH Amber you finally did it! It looks so cute like I knew it would. I'm so proud. I'm happy to hear that it didn't hurt and that you're enjoying's nice to see I had some effect on you with all my piercings :0D...whats next you eyebrow? just kidding. Hope all is well in Florida!

Anonymous said...

You are the first of the group to get a new piercing. Such a trend setter.

booneshinn said...

WTF? Just looks great!